First, he is one of my favorite actors/comedians whatever you want to call him. From stints on Saturday night live to some great movies. I remember liking Ground Hog Day when no one else did, and now people understand the movie its more of cult love. I can watch Caddy Shack (his scenes) on Youtube any time I need a laugh. But none of this gives any insight to the person, or does it.

First, he is one of my favorite actors/comedians whatever you want to call him. From stints on Saturday night live to some great movies. I remember liking Ground Hog Day when no one else did, and now people understand the movie its more of cult love. I can watch Caddy Shack (his scenes) on YouTube any time I need a laugh. But none of this gives any insight to the person, or does it. 

Bruce Lee (who i have written about before) used his movies to introduce Chinese culture and his philosophy. It was easy to see the culture; the philosophy was a bit hidden. It took watching some missing scenes from Game of Death to really understand the story line. Could Bill Murray be doing the same with some of his movies? And does the Bill Murray sightings have more to teach us.  

For those who have not heard the stories (there is even a movie about it) Bill Murray just shows up randomly and does thing with people he does not know. From sitting in wedding pictures, to partying with college kids, to doing someone’s dishes, to being in a short movie for someone. All random, and all done unexpecting. Before smartphones were the norm, most of the sightings were more rumor and stories, later people have evidence of Bill Murray dancing with people he does not know, doing karaoke with random people etc. Hell, in one incident he chipped in for the beer! 

But why does a superstar (well and older one) do something like this? Why does he go out and make people’s day? Maybe it’s a lesson we all need to think about. Why not be adventurous, why not step out of our daily routine and spend a little time doing something out of the norm. What do we have to lose? We all find ourselves living in a bubble much of the time, seeing the same people, eating the same things, doing the same job that we don’t know much else. When is the last time someone called or texted you out of a blue to do something that minute, and did you do it? Or did you stay with your routine? 

If i didn’t, I would have never met Willie Nile or Johnny Pisano (musician), Ziggy Marley (another musician) – I would never have flown a plane, driven a motorcycle, I somehow ended up in a squad picture in the parking garage at a mall. Invited to come back to a wedding at the beach in LBI. I could list more, but you get the picture.  

I don’t do it as often as i should, but maybe once a month i should go somewhere i never went, introduce myself to someone I don’t know, and put myself in a situation to have a good time with someone who didn’t expect it. And how does this relate at work, how about walking to the floor, introducing yourself to people you don’t know at work, ask what they do and learn about them. It’s funny, there seems to be a theme, to fix things, it is about fixing yourself or making a change to yourself first, and don’t worry about anyone else.  

Bill Murray made me laugh by watching him, and I he will make me laugh every time I go do something out of my shell and find myself somewhere new. 

Bruce Lee (who i have written about before) used his movies to introduce Chinese culture and his philosophy. It was easy to see the culture, the philosophy was a bit hidden. It took watching some missing scenes from Game of Death to really understand the story line. Could Bill Murray be doing the same with some of his movies? And does the Bill Murray sightings have more to teach us.

For those who have not heard the stories (there is even a movie about it) Bill Murray just shows up randomly and does thing with people he does not know. From sitting in wedding pictures, to partying with college kids, to doing someones dishes, to being in a short movie for someone. All random, and all done unexpecting. Before smartphones were the norm, most of the sightings were more rumor and stories, later people have evidence of Bill Murray dancing with people he does not know, doing karaoke with random people etc. Hell in one incident he chipped in for the beer!

But why does a superstar (well and older one) do something like this? Why does he go out and make people’s day. Maybe its a lesson we all need to think about. Why not be adventurous, why not step out of our daily routine and spend a little time doing something out of the norm. What do we have to lose. We all find ourselves living in a bubble much of the time, seeing the same people, eating the same things, doing the same job that we don’t know much else. When is the last time someone called or texted you out of a blue to do something that minute, and did you do it? Or did you stay with your routine?

If i didn’t, I would have never met Willie Nile or Johnny Pisano (musicians) – Ziggy Marley (another musician) – I would never have flown a plane, driven a motorcycle, I somehow ended up in a squad picture in the parking garage at a mall. Invited to come back to a wedding a the beach in LBI. I could list more, but you get the picture.

I don’t do it as often as i should, but maybe once a month i should go somewhere i never went, introduce myself to someone I don’t know, and put myself in a situation to have a good time with someone who didn’t expect it. And how does this relate at work, how about walking to the floor, introducing yourself to people you dont know at work, ask what they do and learn about them. It’s funny, there seems to be a theme, to fix things, it is about fixing yourself or making a change to yourself first, and don’t worry about anyone else.

Bill Murray made me laugh by watching him, and I he will make me laugh every time I go do something out of my shell and find myself somewhere new.

Go read my world famous disclaimer on other posts. I also don’t have advertising, charge etc for this. I ask you to donate to your favorite charity or mine.