Over the past 6 months during the Covid crisis something has come clear, I have no idea what freedom means. I have heard a story and will combine them to hide identities. But the all go something like this….

I was at a store when I saw an old lady yelling at another lady who did not wear a mask into a store. She was yelling that she has a pre-existing condition and that by not wearing a mask she is endangering her. The non-mask wearer then argues that she should not be out, that there are alternatives to getting her shopping done, if she has pre-existing condition she should not be out.

I have heard multiple variations of the story, from who starts it, to male/female etc. And each time i hear a version i put myself in both shoes. Wondering who is in the right, and honestly I am confused. I have elderly parents with pre-existing conditions, and they try not go out that much, or put themselves in any danger. I have a neighbor who does the same, they order from peapod etc. and limit going out and putting themselves at risk.

I have friends who don’t believe in masks, but wear them anyway and are no way aggressive towards anyone. They are treating others with respect. But still i constantly hear from one side or the other, someone has to be wrong in the situation. But I am think what is the legal rights in this situation, vs the right of the individual. Both individuals have rights, and they are upset their rights are being violated. Both should know better – and not put the other in this situation. And I can empathize with both.

Some stores do make it easy by mandating masks in their stores, but at that point it should only be store employees enforcing the mandate. One store I went to had a guard out front ensuring compliance. Of course when you go into the store you can wear the mask on your chin etc. Stores are asking people who in some cases make minimum wage to enforce this policy. They don’t even allow the the chase thieves, what is the difference.

Maybe I wish that people showed more respect to each other, and don’t think they are now in charge of enforcing executive orders, or in charge of directing what is best for someone. Maybe when covid is gone people will find compassion again to be helpful. I am in no means saying this is an hourly occurrence, but its happening once too often. I will continue to think about it.

This opinion is mine, and mine only, my current or former employers have nothing to do with it. I do not write for any financial gain, I do not take advertising and any product company listed was not done for payment. But if you do like what I write you can donate to the charity I support (with my wife)  http://give.nyp.org/site/TR/DIYTeamRaiser/General?px=1031549&pg=personal&fr_id=1080 or donate to your favorite charity. I pay to host my site, to keep it add free and use wordpress, and try to spend any time on the usability on the site (I apologize for that)